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Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 16, D-85375 Neufahrn b. Freising, Germany


How is communications security achieved for an AEROMARITIME Integrated Communications System (ICS)?
By employing encryption devices for all external communications links and appropriate system design in respect to communications security. Especially the AEROMARITIME Digital Communications Network APCOS® 4000 is designed and tested to meet the demanding requirements of red/black signal separation.

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What is the scope of work anticipated by AEROMARITIME for a turn-key implementation of an Integrated Communications System (ICS)?
A typical turn-key scope of work includes the design, development, manufacture, factory acceptance test, installation, setting-to-work, harbour and sea acceptance trials and full Integrated Logistic Support including documentation, spares, training and after sales services. All these efforts are conducted by AEROMARITIME under the coordination of a dedicated AEROMARITIME project manager

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What integration components are used by AEROMARITIME for system integration?
AEROMARITIME has designed its own system integration platform, the Digital Communications Network APCOS® 4000 and Communications System Manager COSYMA.

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What happens in case the customer wants to provide its own equipment to AEROMARITIME for system integration?
AEROMARITIME will accept any type of Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) such as radios, crypto devices, etc. for system integration. AEROMARITIME will take over full responsibility for appropriate system integration of the CFE items.

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Has AEROMARITIME any preference for specific manufacturers of radio equipment?
No – AEROMARITME is independent from any radio manufacturer and can therfore offer the radio equipment with the best price/performance trade-off, based on the customer requirements.

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What communications facilities are included in an AEROMARITIME Integrated Communications System?
AEROMARITIME provides complete turn-key Integrated Communications Systems (ICS). The systems typically include all tactical- and administrative communications facilities, for both internal communications and external traffic via radios.

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Is there a limitation regarding the maximum number of communications devices that can be interconnected by APCOS®
Due to the use of advanced network technologies such as ATM over SDH / SONET (OC-12) and High-Speed Ethernet (up to 10Gbit/s), APCOS® provides more than enough bandwidth for even the largest naval vessels.

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Does APCOS® make use of relay matrices or patchpanels to interconnect crypto-modem and radio devices?
No, APCOS® transmits ALL signals digitized. This allows a flexible and unconstrained allocation of the mentioned devices to communications lines.

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Why does APCOS® use two kinds of network technologies (Ethernet and ATM / SDH)?
Traditionally, communications systems had to deal with voice communication and low bandwidth serial data up to 9600 bits/s. Today, we see an increased demand for high speed packet-oriented data transfer, which is increased by the use of modern COTS network equipment. However, in order to meet the very stringent timing requirements especially of the audio signals of encryption devices, you still need deterministic transport channels. The combination of Ethernet and SDH / ATM provides reliability and performance for both kinds of communications classes.

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Does COSYMA support multi-user operation?
COSYMA is based on a client-server architecture, allowing parallel access of multiple users to the monitoring and control functions of COSYMA. For less demanding installations, a single-user COSYMA workstation is also available.

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COSYMA is based on a client-server architecture, allowing parallel access of multiple users to the monitoring and control functions of COSYMA. For less demanding installations, a single-user COSYMA workstation is also available.
COSYMA is available in a Cluster-Configuration, free of single points of failure. Continuous operation even in the case of hardware failure is ensured.

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How does COSYMA support the task of the radio operators in handling varying operational scenarios?
It is possible to generate communications plans for various operational scenarios in advance. The required comms plan can be activated within seconds.

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What military messaging protocols can be handled by SAMMS?
SAMMS handles ACP 126, ACP 127 and ACP 128 protocols for formal military messaging.

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Is SAMMS providing STANAG 5066 e-mail over radio?
SAMMS provides seamless integration of STANAG 5066 e-mail facilities as an option

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Any kind of serial data communications – wired or wireless via radio – as well as TCP/IP, LAN and WLAN connections.

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SAMMS will work with any type of off-line or on-line encryption device and TCP/IP encryption equipment. This encryption equipment can be either Customer Furnished (CFE) or provided by AEROMARITIME.

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Is SAMMS interoperable with legacy military TTY networks?
Although SAMMS provides modern text encoding standards and high communications data rates, it can be configured by the user to be compatible to legacy TTY standards like 75 Bd ITA-2 code

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Is SAMMS a proven product and in operation?
SAMMS has proven its excellent operational features and reliability in many NATO navies and in GCC navies with bilingual English / Arabic language support.

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What means Secondary Radar?
In contrast with the traditional radar process, which depends on the processing of the radar transmitter signal after its partial reflection (echo) from an aircraft target, in the secondary radar process a response signal, generally coded, is triggered in a responder unit by the signal from an interrogator station. The responder operates at a different frequency from the interrogator.

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What means Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR)?
A method standardized by ICAO whereby information (identification,altitude) can be transmitted from an aircraft to the ground, by aircraft equipped with the appropriate aircraft unit (Transponder).

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What stands IFF for?
Identification Friend or Foe. A method of aircraft identification by secondary radar.

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What is the meaning of Basic Mark X – IFF System?
A military identification system with three modes of interrogation, the predecessor of the currently used Mark X-SIF System.

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In which Mode operate AEROMARITIMEs IFF Systems?
AEROMARITIMEs IFF Systems cover the following IFF modes:
  • Mode 1: This military mode provides 32 discrete code combinations and is used and assigned to flight missions.
  • Mode 2: This military mode provides 4096 discrete code combinations and is normally assigned as a temporary identity to specific aircraft.
  • Mode 3/A: This mode provides 4096 discrete code combinations and is normally used for track identification to safely guide and control military and civil aircraft sharing the same airspace.
  • Mode C: This mode provides altitude information from 1000 feet below, up to 126,700 ft above mean sealevel in 100-ft increments (input is derived from aircraft altimeter equipment).
  • Mode 4: This mode provides encrypted identification. Additional crypto devices have to be connected to the interrogator and transponder.

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What means the Identification System Mode S?
The highly increased traffic density in the airspace requires a more powerful identification system than the existing one to guarantee the security in the airspace furthermore. This new system is able to cope with great volume of traffic, and is named Mode S (Select) system. For it a new identification Mode was defined, which provides every transponder in an airplane with an address, a kind of “electronic number plate”. Doing this, Air Traffic Control Centers are able to interrogate one single airplane targeted or selected. The name Mode S (select) is descended from this fact.

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What is a complete shipboard IFF System on a vessel?
An IFF System comprising an interrogator subsystem for identifying targets, as well as a transponder subsystem, thus that other interrogators can identify the vessel.

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Which military vessels are fitted with a complete IFF system?
All military surface vessels which have a compatible radar.

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Are there any military vessels which are not fitted with a complete IFF system?
Mostly, submarines are fitted with a transponder subsystem only.

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Which frequencies does the multipurpose antenna AT-4125 cover?
Miltiary Frequencies: HF-Rx; VHF; UHF; IFF; UHF-Link 16; Iridium; GPS/Galileo; INMARSAT, GSM.

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What is the maximum transmitted power in VHF & UHF?
VHF & UHF 50W each.

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Are Aeromaritimes submarine antennas suitable for other than submarine applications?
AEROMARITIMEs antennas can also be installed on surface vessels. The antennas integrate RF communications capabilities in several frequency bands and application fields in a single product. Thus, our antennas may be used in any environment that requires highly integrated and robust solutions.

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